-Laestadianism reached America in the 1860s, when the immigration began from the northern parts of Scandinavia to the USA .
-At the beginning of 1870s the American Laestadians formed their first own congregations after the Norwegian pastor had denied some of them to come to the Holy Communion in Calumet, Michigan
-The first Laestadian congregation was founded 1873 with the name Solomon Kortetniemi Lutheran Society. The name was changed to Finnish Apostolic-Lutheran Congregation in the year 1879.
-After that the American Laestadians gave the name Apostolic Lutheran to their congregations
-The American Laestadianism is nowadays divided into about eight different groups
-These groups are (the estimated numbers of their members are given with children included):
Apostolic Lutheran Church of America (kirkkokuntalaiset, 6000 7000 members)
-Organized around the so called Big Meeting-group in 1928 with the name The Finnish Apostolic Lutheran Church of America
-The largest Laestadian branch in America after the split
-Had over 14000 members and 80 congregations in 1947
-.Membership has declined and Apostolic Lutheran Church suffers from inner schisms
-Largest (800 members) and one of most conservative congregations in New Ispwich (NH)
Auneslaiset (a pollarite-group, 600 members)
-1962-63 the Pollarites were divided into two groups. The smaller group was called Auneslaiset or Aunes Salmela group
-The group has its largest congregations in Minneapolis and Marengo (WI)
Davidites (a pollarite-group, approximately 50 members)
-Formed in 1978 after a split in Auneslaiset
First Apostolic Lutheran Church (Heidemanians, also called Torola-group, 4000 5000 members)
-Was divided into two groups in 1973, when nearly half of the members left and formed a new organization (now LLC)
-Large congregations in Calumet, Houghton, Detroit, Zion (Illinois), Cokato (MN)
-Very powerfull in the Copper Country
Independent Apostolic Lutheran Church ( Riitinmattilaiset, a pollarite-group, 3000 members)
-This Branch won majority among the Pollarites after the split in 1962-63
-Have large congregations in Minneapolis, Duluth, Kenosha (Wis) and Ishpeming.
Laestadian Lutheran Church (Conservative Laestadians, vanhoilliset, 5000 6000 members)
-formed in 1973 after a split among Heidemanians
-29 congregations and approximately 60 ministers
-The largest congregations are in Minneapolis and Rockford in Minnesota and in Phoenix, Arizona and Seattle, Washington
-Also the American Laestadians arrange Conventions and Big Summer Services, but they are much smaller than in Finland
-This summer the LLC had their Summer Services in Rainier, Oregon. To those services attended approximately 1800 guests
The Melvinites (a pollarite-group. About 25 members)
-Formed 1978 after a split in Auneslaiset
Old Apostolic Lutheran Church (Firstborn Laestadians, esikoiset, 10000 members)
-First congregation was incorporated in 1892 after a after a split in the Finnish Apostolic Lutheran Congregation in Calumet
-Large congregations in Minneapolis, Hancock, Duluth, Spearfish (SD), Brush Prairie (Wash)
-The group maintains tight contacts with the Firstborn Elders in Swedish Lapland