Lestadiolaisuus Amerikassa


Lestadiolaisuus levisi uudelle mantereelle siirtolaisten mukana 1860-luvun lopulla. Ensimmäiset lestadiolaiset olivat saapuneet Amerikkaan Pohjois-Norjasta ja olivat kansallisuudeltaan pääosin kveenejä. Joitakin vuosia myöhemmin alkoi siirtolaisuus myös Pohjois-Suomesta ja lestadiolaiset muodostivat merkittävän osan suomalaisen siirtolaisuuden ensiaallosta. He aloittivat suomalaisten seurakunnallisen järjestäytymisen vuonna 1873, kun Michiganin Kuparisaaren alueelle perustettiin Calumetin kaupunkiin Solomon Korteniemi Lutheran Society. Myöhemmin nimi muutettiin muotoon The Finnish Apostolic Lutheran Church ja lestadiolaisia alettiin kutsua yleisesti apostolisluterilaisiksi.

Apostolisluterilaisuus sai jalansijaa lähes kaikkialla, minne Suomesta sekä Pohjois-Norjasta ja Pohjois-Ruotsista muutti siirtolaisia. Heidän kannatuksensa oli vahvaa Pohjois-Michiganissa, Pohjois-Wisconsinissa, Minnesotassa, Etelä- ja Pohjois-Dakotassa, Oregonissa, Washingtonissa sekä Massachusettsissa. Lestadiolaisuuden värittämiä ovat siitä lähtien olleet mm. Kuparisaaren alue Michiganissa, New York Millsin - Wolf Laken alue, Cokaton seutu sekä Duluthin - Eskon alue Minnesotassa, Columbia-joen alajuoksu Washingtonin - Oregonin alueella ja New Ipswichin alue New Hampshiressa. Alkuaikoina lestadiolaisuus oli Amerikassa selkeästi etninen uskonto. Kannattajat olivat lähes yksinomaan suomalaisia tai Pohjois-Kalotin alueelta kotoisin olevia norjalaisia, saamelaisia ja ruotsalaisia. 1800-luvun lopulla myös ensimmäiset ei-skandivaavisen taustan omaavat liittyivät liikkeeseen. Silti yhä tänä päivänä Amerikan lestadiolaisuus on varsin suomalaisväritteinen. Monissa seurakunnissa jopa yli puolella jäsenistä on suomalaisperäinen sukunimi.

Erimielisyydet kasvavat

Lestadiolaisuus on kärsinyt Amerikassa samoista ristiriidoista, jotka ovat olleet riesana myös Euroopassa. Lokakuussa 1972 Minneapolisin seurakunta kutsui koko Amerikan vanhoillisuuden edustajat kokoukseen, jossa käsiteltiin erimielisyyksiä. Vain osa saapui. Yksimielisyyttä ei syntynyt. Tammikuuussa Ap.Luth. Mission katkaisi yhteistyön SRK:n kanssa toistaiseksi. Seurakunnat/kristityt, jotka halusivat jatkaa yhteistyötä, kokoontuivat juhannusseuroihin 1973 Pelkien Pohjois-Michiganiin. Uusi keskusjärjestö Association of American Laestadian Congregations (AALC) perustettiin. Keskusjärjestöön liittyi 25 seurakuntaa, joissa oli alkuvaiheessa 982 maksavaa aikuista jäsentä. Lähes koko itärannikon sekä länsirannikon kristillisyys samoin kuin Kanadan vanhoillisuus liittyi uuteen järjestöön. Uusi keskusjärjestö muistutti organisaatioltaan SRK:ta. Keskusjärjestön nimi muutettiin 1990-luvun lopulla muotoon Laestadian Lutheran Churchiksi.

Tällä hetkellä uudella mantereella toimii ainakin kahdeksan eri lestadiolaisryhmää. Suurimpia niistä ovat

The Finnish Apostolic Lutheran Church Calumetista kuvattuna 1900-luvun alussa

Paljon kuvia ja selostusta Amerikan lestadiolaisuudesta löytyy täältä.

The Finnish Apostolic Lutheran Church Calumetista kuvattuna 1900-luvun alussa
Laestadian songs part of Finnish-American religious heritage The Finnish American Reporter 8/2001 Jane Alanen is a church organist for her Laestadian Lutheran congregation in Phoenix. She has a degree in church music from Grand Canyon University. The history of the hymns and hymnists of her faith has always interested her and she has done extensive research into Laestadian music. Linkki.
Amerikan länsirannikon toinen rukoushuone valmis Rauhan Side 4/1995, 15. 2000 hengelle tarkoitettu rukoushuone rakennettu edellisestä rukoushuoneesta 13 km pohjoiseen. Entinen rukoushuone, 1000 hengelle tarkoitettu, jää edelleen käyttöön. Länsirannikon esikoislestadiolaisuus kasvanut ripeästi. Uuden kokonaisala 3610 neliötä. Kalispellin seurakuntaan Montanassa valmistunut uusi kirkko, sali mitoitettu yli 400 hengelle. New York Millsiin Minnesotaan valmistunut uusi rukoushuone 300 hengelle.
Amerikassa kuolleita SLL 1928, 71 Meidän rakas ja uskollinen työntekijämme Herran viinimäessä Nels J. Pietilä sai silmänsä ummistaa kotonaan Leadissa, S.Dak joulukuun 11. Päivänä 1927. Hän oli kotoisin Alatornion seurakunnasta, tuli tänne Black Hillsiin vuonna 1885. Herralta saaduilla lahjoilla saarnasi hän Jumalan sanaa ihmisten sielujen autuudeksi yli neljäkymmentä vuotta näillä ympäristöillä. Hän oli siis ensimmäisä tähtiä Black Hillsin yössä. Kuollessaan hän oli 80 vuoden ja viiden päivän vanha.
Dallasin kevätseuroissa PMS 15/14.4.1999.
Delawareen uusi rukoushuone Rauhan Side 3/1997, 17. Rukoushuone rakennetaan Newarkiin, samalle tontille, jossa edellinen rukoushuone (vihitty 1956, laajennettu 1967 ja 1980, 570 neliömetriä). Uusi rukoushuone koostuu kahdesta rakennuksesta joiden molempien pinta-ala 660 neliötä.
The Apostolic Lutheran Congregation of Detroit [13254 Thomson Avenue] (Published in the Finnish Album to Commemorate Detroit's 250th birthday Detroit, Michigan 1951, p. 19.) The Apostolic Lutheran Congregation of Detroit, being the oldest Finnish church organization in Detroit, was incorporated and its bylaws and incorporation papers affixed with the stamp and seal of the State of Michigan at Lansing on December 6, 1917. A copy of incorporation was filed with the Register of Deeds, Wayne County, on December 10, 1917, whereunto the following nine trustees as... Linkki.
The Detroit Laestadian Lutheran Church Website http://www.dllchurch.org/history.html Historia. Laestadians in Detroit held their first recorded meeting at the boarding house of Oscar Karinen on February 14, 1917. The Apostolic Lutheran Congregation of Detroit incorporated later that year. The charter members of the first congregation were Oscar Karinen, John Narhi, Isaac W. Laakso, Peter Wissi, Arthur Olson, Matt Kangas, Charles Person Pyyny, Rudolph Bekkala and August Niemi. Linkki.
Duluthiin uusi rukoushuone Rauhan Side 2/2001, 19 Yhdysvaltojen Minnesotassa Superior-järven länsipäässä sijaitsevaan Duluthin kaupunkiin on valmistunut keväällä 2001 uusi rukoushuone. Rukoushuone on tällä paikkakunnalla toinen. Alueella on vanhaa suomalaisasutusta ja ensimmäisiä tietoja lestadiolaiskristityistä on ainakin vuodelta 1884 Juhani Takkisen kirjeen perusteella. Varhaisemmista ajoista on hyvin niukkoja. Linkki.
Article about early settlers (Laestadians) of Esko, Minnesota Keweenaw today 6.2.2001. Finnish American Center hosts Laestadian Lutheran exhibit. HANCOCK - "From Living Seed to Flourishing Field: Laestadian Lutherans in North America," a historical exhibit produced by the Laestadian Lutheran Church last year, is on display through Feb. 9 at the Finnish American Heritage Center at Finlandia University in Hancock. The extensive exhibit of photos, text and artifacts gives historical perspectives on the Laestadian Lutheran awakening movement on this continent from the mid-nineteenth century to the present. Hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday... http://www.keweenawtoday.com/ Linkki.
Seattle Laestadian Lutheran Choir website The Seattle Laestadian Lutheran Choir was established in 1995 under the direction of Ingrid J. Lang (now Ojala). The purpose of the choir is Christian fellowship and to encourage music and singing for people of all ages Linkki.
Seattle Laestadian Lutheran Church website Linkki.
School teachers needed Christian Monthly 3/1998. The Firm Foundation Christian School, an affiliate of the Hockinson Apostolic Lutheran Church is searching for qualified teahers for the 1998-9 school year. The 1998-9 school year will begin our fourth year of operation. We have grown from 25 students the first year to a current enrollment of 67 students, plans for our own school building have been drawn up and a building site has been chosen.
Ishpeming church dedication services on sept 13, 14 and 15th 1997. Greetings of Peace 8/1997. Linkki.
Uusia rukoushuoneita Amerikassa Rauhan Side 3/1993, 13 Spearfishin (South Dakota) uusi rukoushuone vuodesta 1991 käytössä, kooltaan 1250 neliötä, mitoitettu 875 hengelle. Calumetin uusi rukoushuone Hancockiin (Michigan), 1645 neliötä, kuulijota mahtuu 1400 henkeä.
The Voice of One Crying in the Wilderness Christmas in Zion 1973 The very first issue of The Voice of Zion
Helmi Esther Kivisto In Memoriam Christian Monthly 4/2000. For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. (II Corinthians 5:1) Our beloved sister in faith, Helmi Esther Kivisto, was called home to be with her Lord on January 26, 2000 after a long illness. She was born May 22, 1924 in Carlton County, Minnesota, and was a life-long member of the Esko Apostolic Lutheran Church. All who knew Helmi were blessed by her loving, gentle, and gracious nature. She is greatly missed by her brothers and sisters in faith, as well as nieces, nephews, and friends. Helmi served as Editor of this dear paper, the Christian Monthly, from August 1962 until April 1975, having accepted this assignment after serving as a faithful and able assistant to Helmar Peterson.
Kotiseuroissa Dallasissa PMS 21/24.5.2000. Kokoonnuimme lämpimänä viikonloppuna seuroihin Dallasissa 22.-24.4 (We gathered to services at warm weekend in 22.-24 of April. Puhujana oli Russel Roiko (The speaker was Russel Roiko).
Lapinlähetykset 2001 Rauhan Side 2/2001, 19 Ruotsin Lapin vanhimmat tekevät kesällä 2001 1ähetysmatkat sekä Itä-Norjaan että Pohjois-Amerikkaan. Matka Itä-Norjaan Finnmarkiin tapahtuu kesäkuussa ja Amerikkaan heinä-elokuussa Lapin...
Longview Laestadian Lutheran Church. Congregation History Beside the shores of the mighty Columbia River and its tributary, the Cowlitz River, a small group of Finnish-American believers farmed and fished to earn their temporal livelihood. These believers also saw the need for spiritual food and endeavored to keep services for the nourishment of their undying souls. The earliest records of this congregation are in the treasury accounts. The books show that between the years 1898 - 1900 a total of $7.40 was collected for communion expenses. In 1901 the... Linkki.
Notice: The Central Board has approved the affiliation of the Apostolic Lutheran Congregation of Orc Christian Monthly 6/1999.
The Rindge Community (New Hampshire) Educational facilities are varied for a small New Hampshire town…the Apostolic Lutheran school, a private Christian school… Linkki.
Spruce Grove Apostolic Lutheran Church Newsletter. Linkki.
Jani Vääräniemi 80 vuotta PMS 42/20.10.1993 22.9.1913 Minnesotassa Red Eye Townshipissa, parannus 1945 Minnepolisissa, avioliitto 11.10.1947 Viola Nelsonin kanssa, 12 lasta, vaimo kuoli 2.7.1965, sananpalvelijan tehtävään 1962 Minneapolisin seurakunnassa, uusi avioliitto 22.11.1980 Pohjois-Minnesotan Eskosta kotoisin olevan Esther Jarvien kanssa, muutto Menaghaan. AALC:n johtokunnan ja työvaliokunnan pitkäaikainen puheenjohtaja.
Jani Vääräniemi 22.9.1913 – 5.1.2000 PMS 4 / 26.1.2000 –muistokirjoitus
Uuno Mäkelä 80 vuotta PMS 12/24.3.1993 *Sebekassa Minnesotassa 30.12.1912, avioliitto 23.9.1950 Maxine Aution kanssa, kuusi lasta. Koti sijaitsi Floodwoodissa, jossa Uuno piti 42 vuotta omaa kuorma-autoliikettä. Aviopuolisot saivat parannuksen armon samana iltana 1964. Valiittin AALC:n johtokuntaan perustettaessa 1973 ja vuodesta 1975 työvaliokuntaa. Kotisiioni Eskossa siunasi puhujaksi 1975.
Peter Leonard Nevala 12.1.1927 – 8.4.1997 *Menaghassa, vanhemmat Leonard Nevala ja Hinni Alajoki -avioitui 1950 Evelyn Majavan kanssa, neljä lasta –sananpalvelijaksi 1964, valittiin 1973 AALC:n johtokuntaan ja työvaliokuntaan, The Voice of Zionin toimittaja 1973 – 1988.
New Hampshire Something about history of the Finns and their religion/Suomalaisten ja alueen lestadiolaisuuden historiaa ja nykypäivää -many Finnish immigrants went to work for Seppala & Aho, a large construction firm owned by Finnish-Americans –many Finnish-Americans in Rindge keep the faith at Apostolic Lutheran Curch in New Ispwich –Assimilation is taking toll on Finnish culture – Intermarriage is one reason. Linkki.
Matti ja Eva Kontkanen Yhdysvaltoihin. PMS 37/13.9.2000. Arizonan osavaltion pääkaupungin Phoenixin lestadiolais-luterilainen seurakunta on pyytänyt Matti Kontkasta papiksi. Aikaisemmin Phoenixin seurakunnassa ei ole ollut kokopäivätoimista pappia, mutta viran perustaminen on nyt nähty tarpeelliseksi....Matti Kontkanen jäi virkavapaalle nykyisestä Piippolan seurakunnan kirkkoherran virasta 31.8.2002 asti...Phoenixin seurakunnan papin viran hoitamisen lisäksi Matti Kontkasen tehtäviin kuuluu LLC:n ja muiden lestadiolaisten seurakuntien avustaminen eri puolilla Pohjois-Amerikkaa...
Airamo Raimo Vanhimpien mukana Amerikassa Rauhan Side 4/1993., 4. Matkalla Evald Larsson, Levi Larsson ja Bror Erkstam. Eniten väkeä koolla Brush Prairiella, arviolta 3500-4000 henkeä eivät mahtuneet yhteen seurahuoneeseen. Seurojen aikana vihittiin käyttöönsä Hancockin uusi rukoushuone. Siellä pidettiin Vanhan Apostolis-Luterilaisen Kirkon vuosikokous, missä päätettiin mm. uuden virsikirjan painoksen toimittamisesta.
Alajoki Elmer H Peter Nordstrom 1913 - 1981 1.8.1913 in Hancock MI to Oscar and Ina Nordstrom and entered into eternal rest on May 17 1981 in Toronto, Canada in the midst of church services received the grace of repetance in 1936 in Hancock, traveled to Finland in the fall of 1936 to study theology, during the Winter War in Finland returned to the USA, and continued his studies at Suomi College in Hancock. After his return he served the congregation of Astoria, Oregon and later at Virginia Minnesota. For the last 34 years he served the congregation of Cokato, Minnesota and during this time also served at Minneapolis, Esko and Brainerd, Minnesota and Rolla, North Dakota also served with the AALC as a member of its Board and Work Committee.
Alanen Jane Phoenix Congregation Hires Full-time Pastor The Voice of Zion 6/2000. Matti Kontkanen (Piippola, Finland) will be full-time pastor for Phoenix congregation. His wife Eva (nee Petaisto) is an American citizen and they have lived one year in Prescott area. Kontkanen was contacted in March 1999. His response was affirmative...
Anderson Larry Minneapolis belivers Prepare fo 2000 Summer Services The Voice of Zion 3/2000 The Minneapolis Laestadian Lutheran Congregation asks for God's guidance as we prepare for the upoming 2000 LLLC Summer Services. We extend a heartfelt welcome to all to come join us on June 30-July 3 for these festive activities. The service site is the new Wayzata High School located at 4955 Peony Ln. in Plymouth, Minn. As a part of the 2000 Summer Service event, the LLC is planning a historical exhibit to portray the history of the Laestadian Lutheran faith through photographs, artifacts and other media. The Minneapolis Laestadian Lutheran Congregation has developed an internet web site with the adress: Linkki.
Anderson Laura Phoenix Congregation's Oldest Original Member Recalls Early Years The Voice of Zion 3/2000 "It was a really big thing when believers came", said David Koistinen. "It was a reason to celebrate." Koistinen, one of the first children to be born to a Laestadian family in Phoenix, Arizona, recently recalled what the first years were like for him and his family living in the sunny southwest. "My dad would always tour the guests around Phoenix and give them literature about the state and city to try to persuade them to join our family here," he said. David's father, Henry Koistinen, came to Arizona in June 1947 from New York. Newly wed, he and his Wife Anne, his parents, Henry and Hanna Koistinen, and Dr. Dickenson were the only belivers in Phoenix at that time,,,,"About a year after I was born, my dad's sister and her husband moved to Phoenix". Henry Koistinen's efforts, the promise of work, or other reasons soon brought five more families to Phoenix. The families were large and brought many friends for David and Joanne. The growing congregation continued gathering in each other's homes until they purchased a small house in 1961 where they held services and Sunday school. Koistinen remembers that the young people at that time werequit close. Their number was small enough that they could do things as a whole group. Today, the Phoenix congregation is one of the largest Laestadian congregations in the USA. "My däd would have never imagined the size of the congregation today nor the amount of visitors who come for LLC Winter Services every year, Koistinen said.
Bekkala Lea Detroit Congregation celebrates 80 th anniversary The Voice of Zion 7/1997. Laestadians in Detroit held their first recorded meeting at the boarding house of Oscar Karinen on February 14, 1917. The Apostolic Lutheran Congregation of Detroit incorporated later that year. The charter members of the first congregation were Oscar Karinen, John Narhi, Isaac W. Laakso, Peter.... Linkki.
Bekkala Lea, Pentikäinen Maret "Siell' Saaremaall' kasva katakat ja mannapuut" PMS 9/3.3.1999. Lidia Hotarin elämänvaiheita: Synt. 28.2.1919 Virossa Oravissa Jaan ja Juliana Ploomin perheeseen, avioitui 14.8.1938 suomalaisen Kosti Hotarin kanssa > muutto Suomeen Karjalaan, sodan jälkeen perhe sai parannuksen armon. 1957 muutto Joensuusta Kanadaan Torontoon, 1973 Marmoraan, aviopuoliso kuoli 1979. Sodan jälkeen yhteydet kotiseudulle Viroon katkesivat vuosikymmeniksi, yhteyksien avauduttua monet sukuliaset Virossa saaneet parannuksen armon.
Bergman Gladys Centennial Celebration Christian Monthly 8/1998. The Clatskanie, Oregon congregation is celebrating their 100th anniversary on September 25, 26 & 27, 1998.
Biggins Holly Finnish Laestadian minister visits area The Brainerd Daily Dispatch 24.3.2000. Linkki.
Bloomquist John John Waaraniemi called to Rest The Voice of Zion, 3/2000. His funeral was held on January 21 at the Minneapolis Laestadian Lutheran Church in Plymouth Minnesota. A visitation and service was held the preceding evening at the Wolf Lake Laestadian Lutheran Church in Wolf Lake, Minnesota. John Waaraniemi was born in a Christian home in September 1913. He strayed into the world as a young man but received the grace of repentance in 1947. He married Viola nelson in the same year. Their union of eighteen years ended in 1965 when God called Viola from this life, leaving John to raise their twelve children alone. In 1962 the Minneapolis congregation called John Waaraniemi to serve as a minister in the Lord's vineyard. He also served on the Board of the Association of American Laesatdian Congregations for many years, acting as chairman for several years John spent his retirement years in Mengaha, Minnesota. There God blessed John with a new helpmate when he married Esther Jarvi of Esko, Minnesota 1980.
Byman Miriam Brief history of the congregation of Astoria, Oregon The Voice of Zion 1/1988, 6 - 7. Already in the late 1880's there was a group of believers living in Astoria. The believers in Astoria had a church which was built in the late 1800's. This church serves heresy now and is often referred to as the "Irvin Avenue Church". Some time before the 1920's the believers ceased to meet there due to doctrinal differences. When this congregation drew up its by-laws the following people were on the board: Chairman: Henry Reinikka, vice-chairman: John Severson, secretary: E.O.Erickson, Treasurer: Alfred.... Linkki.
Cosellian Gloria To the editor The Daily Mining Gazette 13.11.2001. The Calumet Finnish Apostolic Lutheran Church was established many years ago in the late 1880's here in the Copper Country. This mother church now has legitimate sons and daughters First Apostolic Lutheran churches scattered here and elsewhere in the United States, Canada and Alaska. Other congregations are using the name Apostolic Lutheran but are misguided. They have left their mother. Linkki.
Deakins Jeff Dedication services Christian Monthly 9/1998. The Congregation of the Apostolic Lutheran Church of High Point will be holding its dedication services on November 6, 7 & 8, 1998 at the new church building.
Dwyer Joan Laestadians celebrate millenium The Finnish American Reporter 10/2000 The Laestadian Lutheran Church held it's North American summer services at wayzata High School from June 30 . July 3. 2000. ....In conjuction with these services, an extensive Millenium exhibit titled "From Living Seed to Flourishing Field" was displayed detailing the history of the Laestadian (Apostolic Lutheran) revival movement.... Linkki.
Elki Henry SLL 1928, 166-167 Täälläkin on monenlaista sekaseurasuutta, niin että niiden melskeet tahtovat monia kaataa alleen. Minulle ja monille tuottaa murhetta se, että monessa suuren touhun kanssa kulkevassa vaikuttaa valheen henki, niin että kristillisyyden nimessä harjoitetaan valhetta ja vilppiä. Kehutaan seurakokousten suuruudella ja valehdellaan ne moninkertaisiksi. Meillä oli seurakunnassamme kalliit juhannusseurat, joihin oli saapunut kansaa niin paljon kuin suinkin mahtui kirkkoon ja paljon oli ulkona.
Foltz R.N. Dr. Saarnivaara called home Bind us Together 6/1998 In 1939, Church of Finland leaders responded to a request of the Suomi Synod for a qualified theologian to teach in the synod's seminari in Hancock, Michigan, recommending Pastor Saarnivaara. While teaching at the seminary he also studied and received his Ph.D from the University of Chicago (1945) and Th.D. from for the University of Helsinki (1948). In 1954 the Saarnivaaras returned to Finland where Uuras became editor of the Sana religious paper, also serving as a preacher the People's > Bible Association In 1957 Dr. Saarnivaara became director of the Home Mission College..In 1964 he was called to Minneapolis to serve as professor at the Seminary of the Association of Free Lutheran Churches.
Forstie Arthur Phoenixin Lestadiolaisen seurakunnan historia / History of the Phoenix Laestadian Congregation PMS 40/30.9.1981 Seurakunta perustettu 18.8.1959 nimellä "First Apostolic Lutheran Congregation of Phoenix", ensimmäiset vanhoillislestadiolaiset muuttaneet seudulle vuonna 1940. Kirkko rakennettiin 1973. Sananpalvelijoina toimineet Arthur Forstie, Jim Moll ja Mark Young.
Forstie Arthur Phoenix Congregation History The Voice of Zion 3/1987, 53 - 54 The first believers to settle in this area were Henry and Olga Mielonen in the year 1940.The first chairman of the congregation was Henry Koistinen, followed by Harvey Hill, both of whom have since slept away in faith, the house which was purchased in 1961 was foun by Gust Wisuri. In 1971-1972 the congregation began to collect money to build a new church. On December 1, we began construction of a new building and on April 21 1976 it was completed. The speakers presently serving are Arthur Forstie, since May 1965, Mark Young since 1979 and Mike Riutta since November 1985.
Frantti Jim History of the Pelkie Congregation The Voice of Zion 1/1987, 5 - 6 On October 15, 1911, a group of believers gathered to organize what was then named the Pelkie First Apostolic Lutheran Congregation, the church was built 1920, 1931 the building was lost to the "Kirkkokunta" heresy, about half of the congrecation went into the heresy, although several received grace of repentance later, there remained 57 families in the Pelkie congregation. In January 1932, it was decided to build a new church, and a building committee was appointed. In April of that year the name of the congregation was changed to the Pelkie First Apostolic Lutheran Independent Congregation. By September 18 of that year the congregation was able to hold congregational meeting in the new building. The membership of the Pelkie congregation has fluctuated. At the maximum it has been about 300. Today the adult membership is 37 and the number of children is under 20.
Frantti M. Our oldest church The Voice of Zion 11/1992, 3 About Pelkie congregations past, nowadays 40 members and 9 children.
Glynn Mike Rockford Retires Mortgage The Voice of Zion 6/2001 Rockford Laestadian Lutheran Church paid off its mortgage more than four years early during a ceremony held Sunday evening April 22nd. The evening was originally set aside to present an update on the progress of Phase II of the building program, but turned into a "Mortgage shredding" program which included the presentation of a final payment to LLC Minister Pension fund trustee, Ernest Lehtola... Linkki.
Grangroth Luella Robert Grangroth 70 years The Voice of Zion 7/2000 On a warm summer day ( July, 27, 1930 ), there was a brief delay in the work on the 80-acre farm in Waverly, Minnesota, when farmer Herman Grangroth and his wife Alina welcomed their seventh child, a son, into their hearts and home. This birth brought special joy because sons were a blessing for the immigrant Finnish settlers. It meant extra hands to help with chores to make a living on the land. Although the year of his birth was at the peak of the Depression, Robert remembers that his family... Linkki.
Haapala Gail God has given the increase The Voice of Zion 12/1992 Article speaks about Heikki Simontaival, later Henry Simonson and his descedants. Approximately 600 of Heikki's descedants gathered at the Lutheran Collegiate Bible Institute in Outlook, Saskatchewan. The majority were laestadians.
Haho Aarno ja Terttu Rockfordissa uusi seurakunta PMS 8/23.2.2000 Viisitoista vuotta sitten ei Rockfordissa ollut seurakuntaa ..Nyt siellä on seurakunta, jonka jäsenmäärä on kahdensadan paikkeilla ..Seurakansa oli vähän ihmeellinen. Joukossa ei ollut montakaan vanhaa ihmistä, vaan enimmäkseen nuoriaaviopareja ja lapsia, paljon lapsia .Cokaton seurakunta oli myös muuttunut. Sielläkin oli nuoria perheitä ja seurakunta oli kasvanut.
Harju Carl, Nevala Lauri A new Congregation established in Rockford PMS 8/19.2.1992 Belivers living in the Rockford, Minnesota area, approximately 30 miles west of Minneapolis, have established a new congregation, the Rockford Laestadian Lutheran Congregation August 21, 1991. The congregation has already 53 members.
Harvey Sara Love times 138 The Greenville News 27.6.2000 In today's hectic pace, one child often feels forgotten and the merging of two families seems like combining two warlike tribes. When Marty and Nancy Seppala of Greer married in 1983 after the deaths of their first spouses and combined a new of family 26 children their experience. "We had a lot of fun," Marty said. And he means it. The couple still keeps in close contact with their children and 138 grandchildren. this year they enjoyed a full house on Father's Day. What was their secret? Marrying the right person, agreed the couple of 17 years, and being firmly routed in their Apostolic Lutheran faith was the secret to their happiness. Also, the children knew what was expected of them... Linkki.
Heinänen Hannu Elmer Alajoki 70 vuotta PMS 20/19.5.1993 Synt. 24.3.1923 Runebergin seurakunnassa lähellä Menaghaa, isä oli seurakunnan pappina, solmi avioliiton 22.12.1950 Elsie Hoikan kanssa. Asetettiin sananpalvelijaksi 1946, kutsuttiin 1951 Minneapolisin saarnaajaksi ja 1962 seurakunnan papiksi, palveli tässä tehtävässä vuoteen 1988, jolloin jäi eläkkeelle. Oli vuodesta 1965 vuoteen 1973 apostolisluterilaisen lähetystoimen jäsenenä. Vuodesta 1973 uuuden järjestön AALC:n pääsihteerinä.
Heinänen Hannu Saarnaajavaihto on työmuotona ankkuri AALC:n ja SRK:n välillä SLL 11/1993, 16 - 19 Keskusyhdistysten yhteistyö laajenee.
Helmes Alvar Where he leads Quarterly Foreign Mission Newsletter Christia Monthly 11/1999. The first issue of the quarterly Foreign Mission Newsletter will be sent to the congregations in early November...
Helmke Kathy God's Congregation in Minneapolis - 105 years. The Voice of Zion 4/2000.
Helmke Kathy Community and Service Guests Visit LLC Historical Exhibit The Voice of Zion 8/2000. The Laestadian Lutheran Church hosted a historical exhibit entitled "From Living Seed to Flourishing Field: Laestadian Lutherans in North America". It ran from June 29 through July 3, simultaneously with the Church's annual Summer Services held this year at the Wayzata High School.
Hillukka Helen Rockford Congregation Voice of Zion 3/1999.
Honkala Maxine Kun siirtolaiset saapuivat Amerikkaan. - erään siirtolaisseurakunnan vuosikymmenet. PMS 33/17.8.1988. -Kotiseuroja pidetty vuodesta 1887. Ensimmäinen seurakunnan kokous Ishpemingissä pidettiin 10.2.1895 Juho Teppolan kodissa. Seurakunnan johtokunta valittiin ja sen ensimmäiset jäsenet olivat Matti Huuskonen, Mikko Kuusela, Eliel Wierimaa, Jacob Harvala, Tiitus Honkala, Jacob Wisuri vanhempi, Adam Heikkila, Abram Toppila ja Gust Itäniemi. Mikko Kuusela kutsuttiin ensimmäiseksi puhujaksi ja Abram Toppila puheenjohtajaksi. Seurakunnan alkuvuosina pidettiin seuroja kodeissa, ensimmäiset lapset pääsivät ripille 1895, kirkko rakennettiin Neljännen kadun ja Cleveland-kadun kulmaan (1895). 1920-luvulla hajaannuksia: Pollarilaisuus ja lakihenkinen eriseura erosivat. Cleveland-kadun kirkko pysyi yhteisenä, kunnes sen käyttö kiellettin oikeustaistelun tuloksena 1939. Uusi kirkko rakennettiin Neljännen kadun ja Superior-kadun kulmaan, valmistui 1946. 1950-luvulla alueen taloudellinen tilanne heikkeni, nuoret muuttivat Minneapolisiin tai Detroitiin > seurakunta ei kasvanut. Sanapalvelijana 1939 - 1962 Raymond Tulkki, 1964 sananpalvelijaksi Usko Petäistö, seurakunta kasvoi. 1973 uusi hajaannus, suurin osa seurakuntaa erkani, kirkko menetettiin, vuonna 1975 ostettiin Mission Covenant Church Negauneesta, käytössä vuoteen 1981, jolloin rakennettiin uusi kirkko.
Honkala Renee He guided me into the Kingdom of God. Longtime Phoenix Pastor, Art Forstie, recalls 80 years of God' The Voice of Zion 6/1999, 10 *4.4.1919 in Cloquet, Minnesota to Mathew and Sophie Forstie, grew up in Esko, Minnesota . In his youth his parents went astray in a spiritual schism, but fortunately there were still believers in his neighborhood to whom he could talk about faith matters Repentance 1939 Forstie married Esther Koivisto 14.9.1940 .worked as a truck driver and industrial mechanic, Moved to Phoenix in May 1960. The congregation purchased and remodeled a little house to hold services in December of 1960. Later the house was torn down and the congregations former church on Pinchot St. was built Forstie was placed into the office of speaking in 1964 and has served the congregation since that time .
Huhta Naemi, Keskey Rhita Brainerd Congregation celebrates The Voice of Zion 9/1993. 7. The congregations first church, purcased in 1890, was lost in the heresy of 1928 > service activity in the area slowed. It was not until 1959 that a regular service schedule was re-established. Peter Nordstrom of Cokato, began traveling to Brainerd each month. Following the 1928 heresy, a congregation was not incorporated nor another board selected until 1981. The congregation purchased the Edison Elementary School in Brainerd August 22, 1983. The School was turned into a ten unit elderly housing apartment and service facility. In recent years, the congregation has called local brothers Howard Parks, Mark Lee and Steve Kallinen to service in the office of the word. Into the Ark - Detroit Hosts 1999 LLC Services. The Voice of Zion 8/1999. After a period of 11 yers, the Detroit congregation once again hosted the LLC Summer Services in Ann Arbor, Michigan, at Concordia College from July 1-4. The estimated 1500 service guests heard . Ishpeming church dedication services on sept 13, 14 and 15th 1997. Greetings of Peace 8/1997.
Jacobson Martha Rev. Lahtinen & the Titanic. The Titanic disaster and its Cokato connection. -kuvaus välikohtauksesta Lahtisen läksiäisseuroista Linkki.
Johnson Jim Unfair accusations The Daily Mining Gazette 30.10.2001. To the editor: There have been several articles bringing accusations against the Apostolic Lutherans, often identified at Laestadians, after the name of the reformer God used to bring His spiritual visitation to the Scandinavian countries in the 1800s. These accusations have been written by those from outside of the movement - the uninformed and unenlightened - regarding the truth. There have been divisions from the beginning, in the outward church, as is common in all denominations, but not in the living Body of Christ. That kingdom which God established by His spirit is not divided, for it is not a kingdom that is outward in flesh, but consists of those born of the Spirit. Linkki.
Johnson Pearl Hilma Greku (80 years) The Voice of Zion 6/1992 *28.12.1911 Holmes City, Minnesota, parents Carl and Anna Piippo, they had 15 children. When she was about 20 years, went to work in Minneapolis, married with Eino Greku 1935, she converted to living christianity 1938. Eino and Hilma Greku lived on a farm near Cokato Lake. They had four girls and one boy.
Jussila, Oskari Heikki Pastori Artturi Leopold Heideman The Voice of Zion 4/1998, 16.
Kallinen Millie The Wolf Lake congregations first home The Voice of Zion 5/1998, 16.
Kallio Eino The New Finland-Regina Laestadian Congregation The Voice of Zion 9/1987, 222 - 223. The beginning of living christianity in the New Finland area dates back to year 1913 or 1912, when two believing Laestadian speakers Matti Koski and Oberg, came into the area. There were a number of conversions at that time, mainly from "esikoisuus", which had a small following at that time. On June 6, 1920, the members held a meeting to form a legal society, with an elected board. Twenty-four members signed the application to have it legalized. A nine-member board was made: John Pahkala, chairman, Antti Laine, vice-chairman, Charles J.Kallio, secretary, Eemeli Laakso, vice-secretary, Tahvo Kaukinen, treasurer, Antti Kangas, vice-treasurer, and Joseph Koski, Jaakob Kallio and Mike Hannuksela board members. The name chosen was Uuden Suomen Apostolic Lutherialainen Seurakunta, was translated into English as The New Finland Apostolic Lutheran Congregation and was duly registered on February 5. 1924. The only resident speaker in this area was Walter Törölä, who served from 1924 to 1929. In 1963 the Nurmi Oja school was purchased, which served until the mid seventies. By 1984 most of the remaining members of the congregation had moved to Dunblane. There remain only two members in New Finland.
Kallio Wayne Laestadian Services Held for the First Time in Lethbridge, Alberta The Voice of Zion 9/2000. In a historical weekend, the first ever Laestadian services were held in Lethbridge, Alberta. In the recent past, believer's have been held in Edmonton and red Deer, Alberta. Fifteen guests gathered at the home of Henry and Twila Simonson. for the July 22-23, 2000 services.... ...Currently, there are approximately one dozen believers living in Lethbridge. The Lethbridge believers gather each week for taped services. There are plans to hold monthly services with visiting ministers from Saskatchewan...
Kallunki Uuno Arthur Leopolt Heidemannin pitkä elämäntyö liittyi läheisesti Amerikan kristillisyyden historiaan Siionin Joulu 1971, 34 - 39. -Amerikan lestadiolaisuuden historiaa ja Heidemanin roolia siinä
Karlsen Neal and Lynn Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation Christian Monthly 10.11.1998. Christian Monthly 1/1999. Editor Alvin C. Holmgren Managing editor: Neal & Lynn Karlsen Total number copies printed 2050 Mail subscription 1980 Free distribution by mail 20
Keranen Isaac The Finnish Apostolic Lutheran Congregation. Rudyard., Michigan -the church was established 24.10.1908; incorporated 20.2.1909; registred 26.2.1909, the church was built 1912. -The original officers were Chairman John Nivala, secretary Isaac Keranen, treasurer Isaac Matson sr. -The trustees are Ivar Saaranen, Andrew Pitzen, Matt Karki, Otto Johnson sr, Richard Johnson and Gust Karlson - There are at present one hundred members. Linkki.
Kinnunen Mauri The Finnish American Reporter 9/2001 Convention draws thousands to northern Finland RUUKKI, Finland -The Seed is the Word of God ( Lk 8: 11 ). With this motto Conservative Laestadians (SRK) arranged their 93rd annual Convention and Big Summer Services in Ruukki, in northern Finland. Conservative Laestadianism is the largest religious revival movement in Scandinavia and its annual Summer Services is one of largest religious conventions in the world. The services began June 29 and ended July 2. Thousands of Laestadians live in northern Finland and Summer Services bring record numbers of visitors there. On Sunday there were about 76,000 guests. Linkki.
Kinnunen Pekka Koillismaalaisuus vaeltaa Amerikan raitilla monessa suvussa. Koillissanomat 25.6.1998.
Kinnunen Salli Kinnunen Pekka: Longv iewista preerian kautta Cokatoon. PMS 30/23.7.1997. -Saskatchewanin New Finlandin herätysten historiaa
Kinnunen Salli Kinnunen, Pekka: Cokaton suviseurat PMS 31/30.7.1997 -seuravieraita Alaskasta Massachusettsiin noin 3000 henkeä
Korpi Gail Waaraniemi, Paul: The Voice of Zion turns twenty-five. 1974 - 1999. Voice of Zion 1/1999. -In the early years approximately 900 subscribers was fairly typical. Today, the number has nearly doubled with 1629 copies mailed out in December 1998. 425 subscriptions travel across the sea to Finland, Sweden, England, Hungary, Estonia, Israel, Togo to name some destinations.
Korva Marjo Amerikkalaisilla lestadiolaisnuorilla suomalaiset esi-isät. Lapin Kansa 29.6.1997.
Koski Hans Toronton siionin varhaishistoriaa. Alkuaikoina seurakunta koostui pääosin Suomesta tulleista naisist PMS 13/31.3.1999. -lestadiolaisia ollut ainakin vuodesta 1901, osa muuttanut myöhemmin Yhdysvaltoihin, mm, Detroitiin, osa palannut Suomeen. Länsi-Kanadasta Saskatchewanista muutti lestadiolaisia Torontoon, monet palanneet takaisin. Seurapaikkoina David ja Elvira Voutilaisen, Saarelan, John Karsikkaan, Yliojan, Kosken, Kurosen ja Kivistön kodit. Seuroihin kokoonnuttiin kahdesti viikossa, sunnuntaina luettiin Laestadiuksen tai Lutherin postilla ja seuroissa laulettiin paljon. Pyhäkoulutoiminta aloitettiin 1938, seurakunta järjestäytyi 1956 (rekisteröitiin 1957) nimellä Toronto Finnish Apostolic Lutheran Congregation.
Koskimäki Yrjö Virsi- ja lauluperinnettä Amerikassa I SLL 5/1996, 14 – 15. Vanha virsi uudessa kotimaassa.
Koskimäki Yrjö Virsi- ja lauluperinnettä Amerikassa II SLL 6/1996, 14 – 15. Uudempaa lauluaineistoa.
Krupa Peter Church begins national convention in Houghton The Daily Mining Gazette 12.7.2001. More than 2,000 members of the Apostolic Lutheran Church of America are gathered in Houghton today for their national convention. Hailing from 63 congregations from across the United States, attendees will meet and worship at Michigan Tech University's Student Development Complex...
Kumpula Eugene History of the Wolf Lake and Westside Laestadian Congregations The Voice of Zion 11/1987, 247- 248. Around 1915 there were seven congregations in this area. These included Meadowtown, Menagha, Runeberg. Pickerel Lake, Wolf Lake, Sebeka and New York Mills. In 1956 the Pickerel Lake congregation joined the Wolf Lake congregation in constructing the present church.
Kuopus Katie We remembered those who have gone to res The Voice of Zion 1995, 7 -Ishpemingin seurakunnan joidenkin jäsenten muistelua -Frank Numikoski (caretaker in Negaunee church) -Iver Lehtinen (speaker, died 1946) -Abraham Toppila (Chairman of the Ishpeming congragation)
Kurtti James Finnish or Sami? Finnish Settlement in Michigan's Copper Country. Article includes some material about Laestadianism. Linkki.
Kurtti Rafael In memory of Lawrence J. Rasaka Christian Monthly 7/1999. (pastor, Sherwood Oregon) *in Red Lodge, Montana, died 20.2.1999 at the age of 81 years. Was a beliver from his childhood. During his life, he preached the Word of God to the salvation of men's souls while living in California and then in Oregon
Lahti Donald History of the Laestadian Lutheran Church in Florida The Voice of Zion 1/2000. The first permanent believers in Florida were probably August and Helmi Sorvo. They moved from Massachusetts to Lake Worth in the 1950s later Aino Sorvo purchased a home in Lake Worth in the 1950s Fred and Frieda Sarkinen built a home in Lantana in the 1960s Paul Heideman visited the Lake Worth area, perhaps as early as the late 1940s and throughout the 1950s. In the beginning, the Florida congregation was not officially organized, except to have a chairman and treasurer. The first chairmen were Otto Tarvainen and Walfred Juntunen, Helena Tarvainen served as treasurer At a meeting of all the believers in Lake Worth, held on February 9, 1992, the offiacial name, Florida Laestadian Lutheran Congregation, was selected to identify the congregation and to be used for church announcements and newspaper advertisements Aapo Aunola was chosen as chairman, Donald Lahti as vice-chairman, Helena Tarvainen as treasurer and Matti Niemi as vice-treasurer. At the special meeting, held on March 29, 1992, the congregation was advised to registered with the state of Florida The constitution and by-laws were approved at a general meeting on February 6, 1994 .On March 17, 1997, the Florida congregation's name was changed to Florida Laestadian Lutheran Church .The congregation was renamed Laestadian Lutheran Church of Florida November 1, 1998, and new officers were chosen: Donald Lahti, chairman, Helvi Juntunen, secretary and treasurer, and Elma Saari, trustee
Lampi Walt Tom Prophet 50 years old PMS 34/23.8.1989 *23.7.1939 in Ishpeming, an autobody repairman, selfemployed (own business) for many years as a member of the Ishpeming congregation board and a servant of the Word sice 1979. During the cionstruction of the Hasscib Lake camp he served on the building committee and is now a member of the campp board. In 1988 he was appointed camp caretaker.
Lampi Walter The Christian and the Sports. The Voice of Zion 10/1999. Sports present many dangers to faith and are therefore a matter in which the believer must be watchful a federally funded study, led by top University of Michigan psychology professor, Jacquelynne Eccles, found that partcipating in high school sports increased the likelyhood of drinking and drug use by teens. "Athletes tend to form popular cliques who party, and alcohol is part of that", Eccles said in an Aug. 25, 1998, Detroit Free Press article. She also said that "only those students committed to church or communitys service seemed protected against alcohol, drug use and truancy." .The atmosphere can often (in games) can often include foul language, ridicule of the opposing team players, or drunkenness and rowdy behavior For the christian, involvement with sports as either a participant or a spectator is a matter of measuring potential gains versus losses. Experience has shown that no one has been hurt by not becoming involved, yet many have lost the gift of faith and good concience when they have gotten too involved
Lampinen Dan, Seppala Nancy Annual Convention Christian Monthly 3/2000. The Apostolic Lutheran Church Annual Convention will be hosted by the congregations of upstate South Carolina on July 6, 7, 8, and 9, 2000. The site will be Furman University in Greenville, SC. Apartments on the campus are available for housing. For information, contact: Donna Coponen 864/244-2471; Amanda Kinnunen 864/968-0991. We extend a warm welcome to all of you, and pray that these services will be a blessing.
Lee John, Parks Howard History of the Brainerd Laestadian Lutheran Church The Voice of Zion 5/1987, 102 - 103. On the 2nd of February 1889, a small group of believers gathered at the Kalle Hietala home and held the first recorded meeting. In 1890 four lots were purchased at 1210 Quince Street S.E. in Brainerd for $ 85.00. On March 7, 1891, a certificate of incorporation from State of Minnesota was granted to The Finnish Apostolic Lutheran Church of Brainerd. A wood frame building was built. The first elected board members were David Sangala, Gust Sangala, and Kalle Hietala. Speakers were David Sangala and Kalle Hietala (1889-90), William Alajoki (1891), John Santapakka (1892-1901) and Zakarias Fremling (1902-1927). Heresy divided the congregation 1928, leaving the believers without a church building. On September 13, 1981 a church board was elected and once again incorporate the congregation. Elected to serve were: John Lee, chairman, Nestor Jokela, vice chairman, Howard Parks, treasurer, Brian Hauck, assistant treasurer, Richard Pikula, secretary, Marty Carlson, asistant secretary and Mark Collette, trustee. Our Congregation consisted of 20 adult members and 32 children.
Lehto Kay, Byman Arnold, Huhta Tom, Byman Miriam History of the Longview Laestadian Lutheran Congregation http://makkeri1.tripod.com/amerikka_tiedostot\longview1.htm The earliest records of this congregation are in treasure accounts between the years 1898-1900. In 1901 the membership contained 29 names A certain member donated land on Mt Solo in the city of Longview, in 1902 when they were building their church, they received financial donations from congregations in Calumet and Republic (Michigan), Linkki.
Lepistö Einari Nuoruusmuistot herätysajoilta Kivijärvellä lämmittävät USA:ssa Nuoruusmuistot herätysajoilta Kivijärvellä lämmittävät USA:ssa _Lempi Heidemanin (os. Kranck) muistelua.
Leppa Pauline, Nurkkala Kirsti Brainerdin Lestadiolainen Seurakunta 100 vuotta PMS 42/18.10.1989. Minnesotan Brainerdistä tuli monen suomalaisen siirtolaisen uusi kotimaa. Seurakunnassa 45 jäsentä ja noin 40 lasta.
Liimatta Elmer Who are Apostolics? The Daily Mining Gazette 2.11.2001. To the editor: This letter is regarding Debbie Salo's letter to the editor on Oct. 22. It might be good for her to check a little more on the facts before writing on a subject. I really don't know what she was trying to say. First of all, the man whom God used to awaken people to living faith in Northern Sweden was Lars Levi Laestadius (1800-1861). Since many lives were changed from drinking and gambling to honest and sober lives, these people brought this message here through the immigration of workers to the copper mines during the 1880s. It was the people who brought the... Linkki.
Lodge Kris, Hill Leila, Hakso Timo, Pylvainen Sandra, Pylvainen Martin Radio Broadcasts - Important Mission Work The Voice of Zion 8/1999. This year, three different radio stations were retained for broadcasts of ads, sermons, and interviews from the LLC Detroit Summer Services.
Loukusa Lori, Tolkkinen Ed, Hillukka Joni, Juntunen Jodi Minneapoliksen satavuotisjuhlaseuroissa. PMS 48/29.11.1995. "Tämän kallion päälle minä tahdon rakentaa seurakuntani". - ensimmäiset lestadiolaiset saapuivat 1870-luvulla. Seuroihin kokoonnuttiin kodeissa vuoteen 1895, jolloin 29.7 järjestäydyttiin nimellä Finnish Apostolic Lutheran Church ja ensimmäinen kirkko valmistui vuonna 1902
Lucy Y. Her Melvin Salo, 85, retired teacher and volunteer Star Tribune 22.10.2001 Melvin F. Salo was a listener, someone people turned to when they had a need. "I think Melvin had within him a need to help people," said his nephew Bob Dungay of Fergus Falls, Minn. "He got satisfaction out of that." Salo, a former Minneapolis teacher, principal, chaplain and longtime volunteer, died Tuesday at Methodist Hospital in St.Louis Park from complications of a stroke. He was 85. Linkki.
Marjanen Pekka 50-vuotias kirkko PMS 30/26.7.1967. Worchesterin suom. Ap.lut. seurakunnan kirkko Massachusettsisssa USA:ssa on 50-vuotisjuhlan kynnyksellä, joka pidetään elokuun 18-20 päivänä 1967. Haastattelin sisar Katri Hämäläistä niiltä ajoilta, jolloin kirkkomme rakennettiin. Hän kertoili asioista seuraavasti: Minä hyvin muistan ne ajat, jolloin rakennustyöt aloitettiin. Työ suoritettiin talkoilla. mukana oli paljon sisaria ja veljiä. Hän muisti nimiä: Kalle Hautanen, John Hautamäki, ja August Leppilahti. Veli Isomäki oli palkallinen. Hän samalla johti rakennustöitä. paikallisina sananpalvelijoina ovat olleet John Rasku, Lumperi (ilmeisesti Johan Fredrik Blomberg [1853 – 1920], joka toimi Worchesterin seurakunnan saarnaajana vuodesta 1904 aina kuolemaansa saakka/Lisäys Makkeri) ja Grönfors sekä isä ja poika Aho. Vierailevina puhujina hän mainitsi Heidemanin ja Halvarin ym. Amerikasta ja Suomesta. Parannuksentekijöitä oli silloin runsaasti. Kiitosäänet kuuluivat parattuin suista ja sydämistä. Nyt on kirkkoomme tehty korjauksia. Eri paikkakunnilta ovat kristityt meille apunsa antaneet. Tästä runsain mitoin kiitollisuus on täyttänyt sydämen ja ennen kaikkea taivaalliselle Isälle, että Hän on meitä näin siunannut….
Melvin Riutta Church hostages? Melvin Riutta To the editor: The Apostolic Lutherans and all the other churches of the Laestadian movement, regardless of which faction, teach it was their ancestors who brought true Christianity to America in the 1870s. And now it is their church alone that has the power and authority given from God to proclaim sins forgiven, and all other churches are of dead faith! This teaching distorts the very nature of God and manages to poison relationships and divide families. This is evidenced by the more than 30 feuding factions that make up the Apostolic Lutheran Laestadian movement today. Linkki.
Mikkola Eija and Liisa Liisa Mellanen "saw the best and worst of life" 1897 –1984 The Voice of Zion 5/1999. Elisabeth Reponen was born, one of many children in a beliving home, on February 27 in Valkeasaari, Ingria. At one point in her life, storms of heresy came and took her family. Liisa, as she was called, alone remained in faith.. As a young girl Liisa went away to work in Finland. During one of her trips home, civil war in Finland and Russia broke out. God allowed for her safe return to Finland. Liisa worked for G.Fagerholm of Lahti from June 16 1917 to April 20 1920. From Lahtii Liisa moved to Tampere. On August 28 1929 she emigrated to Canada, where she worked for Vincent Massey, Governor General of Canada. Durin World War II Liisa had returned to Finland. There she married Emil Mellanen march 23, 1945. On November 15 1984 Liisa was able to escape wordly worries, when her turn came to leave this earth.
Mikkola Hilkka Past and present services in northern Ontario The Voice of Zion 2/1999, 11 –services were held in Sudbury, Sault Ste Marie and Copper Cliff, where there lived a few laestadian families. Nowadays only in Sudbury once a month
Nikula Elaine Hilma Greku recalls the church of her childhood The Voice of Zion 8/1993. The oldest Finnish church in Minnesota is the Finnish Apostolic Lutheran Church in Holmes City. Hilma Greku’s grandparents, Johan and Mary Piippo, a beliving couple, filed a claim on land for their homestead in 1866. During the first ten years, they attended services in homes. On June 12, 1877, yhe first meeting of the Finnish Apostolic Lutheran Church was held in the home of Peter Julin. The Piippos donated land at that time for a church building. The first speaker was Herman Karjalainen (later Jacobson), fourteen others were listed as also having served the congregation: Matti Haapala, Johan Lehto, Peter Julin, Isaac Piippo and Johan Piippo. Peter Raattamaa came from New York Mills to hold confirmation in 1916. In later years the congregation was served by Jakob and Kaleb Wuollet, John Nelson and Henry Alajoki. The congregation had as many as 100 members including children. The storms of heresy left their mark on this small congregation also.
Nikula Elaine Establishing a congregation in the wilderness. Cokato Congragation 1872 – 1996). The Voice of Zion 2/1997.
Nikula Elaine, Harju Carl God’s word has prevailed through storm and turmoil The Voice of Zion 4/1997.
Nikula Rod God’s guidance in Cokato: 1947 – 1997. Cokato congregation 1872 – 1996. The Voice of Zion 4/1997. 12.
Nikula Walter and Mabel A history of the Regina Congregation The Voice of Zion 5/1999. In the late 1940s, regina, Saskatchewan, became the home town to two recently married couples, Vera and Wayne Mattila and Ethel and Harvey Hill. In the mid-50s, Walter and Mabel Nikula with their children come to live in Regina…In the 60s and 70s, the congregation numbered 15 to 20 members. The members in regina became affiliated with the New Finland congregation in the 1970s, paying their membership dues there but maintaining their own board of officers…In 1997, the name was changed to Regina Laestadian Lutheran Church. Services are scheduled each month ly LLC…Although Glenda Parker, Lorna Salahub, Senia Nikula, Steven and Diana Warwaruk and Walter and Mabel Nikula are the only members they have been blessed with young believers coming here to further their education or to work
O'Donnell Richard W A community strives to keep religious traditions alive in a modern society NEW IPSWICH, N.H.). The Boston Globe 05/18/1980. - They do not have televisions or radio sets in their homes and do not attend movies or plays or frequent the sports arenas down Boston way. They live in neat and trim homes and their men work long hours, keep their hair short and have a fresh-scrubbed appearance. Their women have a healthy, comely look and do it without make-up. The unmarried women among them earn their keep, and working wives are.
Parks Howard Brainerd elderly housing project update The Voice of Zion 7/1997, 8.
Paul Waaraniemi Copper Country Public views LLC Historical Exhibit The Voice of Zion 3/2001 Local Laestadian Lutherans and many other residents in Upper Michigan's Copper Country attended the opening program starting the Jan 24-Feb. 9, 2001 showing of the Laestadian Lutheran Church's historical exhibit, From Living Seed to Flourishing Field: Laestadian Lutherans in North America at the Finnish American Heritage Center in Hancock, Mich. The traveling exhibit was shown for the first time last summer in Plymouth, Minn... Linkki.
Pelkonen Ari "Seurat" uppoavassa Titanicissa PMS 15/13.4.1994. Artikkeli sisältää keskeiset tiedot Titanicista ja sen uppoamisesta sekä Cokaton Apostolisluterilaisen seurakunnan papin William Lahtisen ja hänen vaimonsa Annan vaiheista matkallaan Suomessa ja Titanic-laivalla: New York Mills’ssä asunut saarnaaja Pekka Raattamaa kirjoitti eräässä kirjeessään: "Haaksirikosta pelastuneet kertovat, että veli Lahtinen seisoi laivan kannella matkatoveriensa ympäröimänä, joille julisti Jumalan Pojan kuolemaa ja syntein anteeksisaamista. Artikkelissa myös Lahtisen Kemiin Titanic-laivalta lähettämä kirje, joka julkaistiin Siionin Lähetyslehdess 6/1912.
Peltola Minna Tomm Stewartin uskon juuret ovat Euroopassa Lapin Kansa 29.6.1998. -Amerikasta vierailulla olleen, Snohomishista, Seattlen läheltä kotoisin olevan saarnamiehen haastattelu. Sukujuuret Brittein saarilla ja Ruotsissa. Pentecost and dedication services at First Apostolic Lutheran Congregation of Cokato will be held Fri., June 9, 7:30 p.m., Sat., June 10 7:30 p.m., Sun., June 11 10 a.m., 2:30 and 7:30 p.m.; and Mon., June 11, 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Allen Torola, Peter Torola and other visiting ministers will be guest speakers. All are cordially welcomed. Dassel - Cokato Enterprise Dispatch 29.5.2000.
Pentikäinen Elina Ensimmäinen lähetysmatka Amerikkaan 1876 Pääsiäissana 1984, 34 – 35. Heikki Parkajoen ja Aapo Tapanin matkasta
Pentikäinen Juha Calumetin juhannusseurat 1972 PMS 31/27.7.1972. –juhannusseuroissa 2000 – 3000 henkeä –hieman seurakunnan historiaa ja ennen kaikkea A.L.Heidemanin ja Paul Heidemanin elämänvaiheita –seurakunnan päätoimisena pappina Peter Törölä apunaan George Haapala ja Aron Storm, Kuparisaaren muina saarnaajina Nathan Ruonavaara ja Walerius Kero. Kuparisaaren alueelta väkeä muuttanut kaivosten sulkemisten takia muualle. Etenkin Detroitin, Minneapolisin ja Zionin (Illinois) seurakunnat kasvaneet.
Pentikäinen Juha Juho Mursu – Pohjois-Minnesotan suomalaisten opettaja Siionin Joulu 1983, 38 – 42. –New York Millsin seurakunta perustettiin 19.6.1877 Antti Puuperän hirsimökissä, 1883 ensimmäinen kirkko Heinolan seudulle, 1903 isompi, seurakuntaan kuului tällöin satakunta perhettä *2.6.1847 Ii, Oijärven Mursun talo, äiti lestadiolainen, parannus 28-vuotiaana, muutto 1880 Amerikkaan New York Millsin seudulle Lehtijärvi towniin, seurakunnan papinviran hoitajaksi 1883, kiersi saarnamatkoilla aina Kaliforniassa ja Kanadassa saakka, teki Pekka Raattamaan kanssa matkan 1890- 1891 Pohjois-Ruotsiin ja Suomeen, toimi vuosina 1908 (Calumet) ja 1909 (New York Mills) puheenjohtajana lestadiolaisten suurissa kokouksisssa, k. 26.11.1911.
Petaisto Heikki A look at Reedley’s colorful past The Voice of Zion 10/1997. –about laestadian congregation in Reedley, California, by interviewing Aurora Loukonen Frank Ståhl (later Stohl) was among Reedley’s early preachers, he was a former seaman, and died in Reedley 1929. Other laestadian belivers: former seaman Karl Laine and his wife Miina (Aurora Loukonen’s parents), a blacksmith named Mr Airola, additional names are Trukki, Multanen, Heikkila and Husu (or Hasu). One H.Husu (Hasu?) served as a preacher until he moved to Berkeley in 1919. Eventually there were as many as twelve laestadian families in Reedley. Some of these people may have joined the "Kirkkokunta" 1930’s. Frank Stohl’s daughter-in-law, Hanna (nee Kankaanranta) was a believer until she died though Frank’s son Karl was not. Another believing couple was Amanda and Viktor "High Car" Johanson. Reedley’s believers never had their own church.
Petaisto Heikki Blessed are they that dwell in thy housePrescott Laestadian Congregation celebrates 10th anniversary The Voice of Zion 9/1992. Prescott Laestadian Congregation celebrates 10th anniversary. –The first believers moved to the Prescott area in 1980, the formal organisation of the congregation took place October 25 1982, footings for the new church were poured on January 5, 1985 and the dedication services for the new Church were held March 28 – 30, 1986. Currently, the Prescott congregation consists of nineteen households. Two speaker brothers, John Skoog and Jim Moll serve the congregation.
Petaisto Heikki History of the California Congregations The Voice of Zion 8/1987. 171 – 173. In California there were some believers in the 1880’s. In 1894 congregations were organized in Berkeley and Ft. Bragg and in 1895 one was organized in Rocklin. The earliest mention of a local speaker is of a sea captain B.G.Fardig of Berkeley. He later went into the Kirkkokunta heresy. The Ft. Bragg church was lost to the Pollari heresy about 1920. Some believers also settled Reedley, who served there included Frank Stohl, John Heikkila, Frank Multanen, Ben Luokkanen and Marin. Multanen and Luokkanen later went into the Kirkkokunta heresy.
Petaisto Heikki, Moll Jim A congregation is organized at Prescott, Arizona The Voice of Zion 1982, 182 – 183.
Petaisto Paula Greetings from LLC Florida Winter Services The Voice of Zion 4/2000. …were held from feb. 11-13 in Lake Worth at Sty. Andrew’s Lutheran Church. The Laestadian Luhtheran Church has sposored these services since 1990. Over 200 service guests fron the USA, Canada, Finland and Korea gathered at the three day event…..
Petaisto Sirkka Beloved sisters and brothers in the Lord, God’s peace! The Voice of Zion 11/1974, 166-167. We had unknowingly bebecome lost in heresy. God gave the grace of repentance…
Petaisto Usko Into the Kingdom of God The Voice of Zion 11/1974, 166. "We received yhe grace of repentance from heresy on the 24th of July, when brothers Oiva Tolli and Elmer Alajoki were as the mouth of God here...
Peterson Helmer Tapiola, Michigan Helmer T. Peterson,93, a longtime resident of Tapiola, died on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 at a the Ontonagon (Mich.) Memorial Hospital Long Term Care Unit where he had been a patient since December 26, 2000. a He was born February 26, 1907 in Tapiola, a son of the late Tobias and Greta "C (Savela) Peterson, and attended the Doelle School. His parents were among the earliest settlers in the Tapiola/Otter Lake (Saukkojarvi) area. His father was from the Karelian village Uhtua. Linkki.
Peterson Paul Memories of log cabins remain warm in 93 year old’s mind Tapiola, Mich. native credits building lessons for much of his success. TAPIOLA, Mich -Helmer Peterson says that learning about building log cabins was one of the most valuable lessons he's picked up in his 93 years of life. The lifelong Tapiola, Mich. resident was only eight years old when his father taught him the nuances of building a Scandinavian chink style log cabin. Linkki.
Peterson Reuben Uttermost the uttermost Christian Monthly 6/1998. Writer’s grandfather Jeremiah Redyonoff was born in Uhtua, Karelia in 1864. In USA the name was renamed Jeremiah Peterson. He and his brothers would made trips from Uhtua to St. Petersburg to load up with merchandise. They would then travel across the border to Finlnad with their back packs to sell this wares. Although he may have been introduced to Christianity in Finland, it was not until he had settledin the upper peninsula of Michigan that he was born anew. He marrid a Christian Finnish woman, and they homesteaded in an area named Tapiola
Pirness Adrian Outlook congregation’s 10-year history noted The Voice of Zion 11(1998), 11. –on September 20, 1988, the Outlook, Saskatchewan area members of Dunblane Laestadian Congregation met to decide if there was majority support to establish a second congregation… -the sod turning ceremony of the new church facility took place on June 5, 1992 –on May 28-30, 1993 the Outlook congregation dedicated its new church by hosting special services. –December 15 1997 the final payment on the construction loan was made.
Pirness Adrian LLC Launches Web Site LLC Launches Web Site Linkki.
Pylvainen Martin and Sandra Brief history of Detroit Congregation The Voice of Zion 5/1999. The Detroit Congregation purchased its own church from the Salvation Army, 290 Fairground, Plymouth, Michigan, in May 1982. For more than twenty years, the congregation fluctuated between 30 and 40 members. Today the congregation, now renamed the Detroit Laestadian Lutheran Church has grown to around 50 members. Currently, Brian Hillström and Paul Honkala serve as speakers to the congregation.
Pylvänäinen Sandra, Stump Maija, Lahti Donald Tervetuloa Detroitiin. AALC:n suviseurat 30.6. – 3.7. PMS 15/13.4.1988. –ensimmäiset lestadiolaiset tulivat seudulle 1900-luvun alussa, seurakunta perustettiin Oskari Karisen kodissa 4.2.1917, Highland Parkista ostettiin kirkko 1921. Samalle paikalle kaivettiin uuden kirkon perustus ja kellari rakennettiin 1925. Entinen puukirkko purettiin ja seuroja pidettiin kellarissa vuoteen 1940, jolloin uusi kirkko rakennettiin kellarin päälle. Seurakunta kasvoi ja vuonna 1963 rakennettiin suurempi kirkko Farmingtoniin. Ennen vuoden 1973 hajaannusta seurakunta oli Amerikan suurin. Suurin osa seurakuntalaisista liittyi Apostolic Lutheran Missionin linjaan. 37 aikuista perusti SRK:n kanssa yhteyteen jääneiden kanssa uuden seurakunnan Detroit Laestadian Congragationin ja liittyivät AALC:n jäseniksi. -seurakunnan sananpalvelijoina toimivat vuosina 1920 – 1972: Jacob Halvari, John Kilpela, Aaron Storm, Raymond Tulkki ja Norman Nelson. Vuodesta 1973 seurakuntaa ovat palvelleet: Mark Young, Archie Anderson, David Hillstrom, Donald Lahti, Paul Honkala ja Brian Hillstrom
Raisanen Jennifer Colorado Believers establish Congregation The Voice of Zion 10/2000 The first two believing families moved to Colorado in July of 1996. The booming construction industry in the Roaring Fork Valley drew some young believing men to the area in 1998. Later on that year a few other believers Linkki.
Roepke Judy Apostolic Lutheran Home For The Aged Calumet The Daily Mining Gazette 15.8.2001. To the editor: Drill successful. On Aug. 13, the Apostolic Lutheran Home For The Aged had a fire drill and evacuation. With the support and coordinating efforts of the following, our drill was successful. Thank you to Ann Gasperich and 911 personnel, Keith Jenich and Calumet Township Fire Department personnel, Tom Primeau and Peninsula Gas, the Michigan State Police, and to all of our employees who participated. Our elderly residents live in a safer community because of you. On behalf of the Governing Board and myself, we thank you.
Ruonavaara Carol, Wikman Rebecca LLC Colorado Ski Days – Refreshing on and off Slopes The Voice of Zion 5/2001. Colorado’s second annual LLC Ski Days were held March 9 – 11. The weekend began with an opening service at the basalt Middle School, followed by a time of fellowship for local believers and visitors from other areas. On Saturday, most of the 400-plus Ski Days crowd spent the day skiing and snowboarding at the Snowmass Village ski area...
Rytilä Pekka Kylvö ja korjuu. Kristittynä kahdella mantereella Rauhan Side 1/1995, 13-14. Ontarion Sault Ste Mariessa asuneen Emil Tannisen perheen historiaa. Emil Tanninen *12.8.1902 Karttula, k. 5.5.1993 Sault Ste Marie, muutto Kanadaan 1951 ensin Torontoon, 1952 Sault Ste Marieen 1952, kirkko kaupunkiin 1967
Saari Janis Hendrickson Memorial Library dedicated Bind us Together 11/1997. On October 12 the Rev. Kenneth B. Hendrickson Memorial Library was dedicated. It is housed in the Inter Lutheran Theological Seminary building at 916 Pine Street, Hancock, Michigan. Article includes a brief history of the Inter-Lutheran Theological Seminary: …In 1965 the Hendrickson’s visited Dr Uuras Saarnivaara in Finland, shared the vision of the seminary and asked Dr. Saarnivaara to come back and be dean. The Saarnivaara’s came and the Seminary started in 1965 as the Independent Lutheran Theological Seminary. Upon reorganization in 1966 it became the Inter-Lutheran Theological Seminary with Dr. Saarnivaara as Dean and Dr Albert Saari and pastor Hendrickson as board members. The Location was Plymouth Apostolic Lutheran Church…In 1991 the Seminary moved to upper Michigan…
Salo Debbie Lost bishop The Daily Mining Gazette 22.10.2001 To the editor: A bishop named Lars Levi Laestadian (1800-1861), started a movement in northern Sweden. This movement consisted of lay preachers, who often had used radical idealism of their own, besides the doctrine put forth by Laestadian. Liturgy was limited and preaching salvation and new birth dominated. When Scandinavians immigrated to the Copper Country, they needed a place to worship and attended the Linkki.
Savela Voitto Peter Leonard Nevala 12.1.1927 - 8.4.1997 SLL 5/1997. –sananpalvelija vuodesta 1964
Savela Voitto Leirikeskuksen juhlassa Amerikassa PMS 36/7.9.1988. Jumala on siunannut ja johtanut työmme". Hasscib Laken leirikeskuksen avajaiset.
Savolainen J. Toronto Laestadian Congregation: A brief history The Voice of Zion 6/1987, 128-129. In 1957 the congregation (officially Toronto Finnish Apostolic Congregation) incorporated under the provincial laws of Ontario. Congregation had 30 members, on April 19 1974 the congregation purchased an old school building, located in town of Richmond Hill, 13 miles north of Metropolitan Toronto. Presently there are two speakers Mauri Hotari since 1977, and Raimo Savolainen since 1982, and 55 adults.
Siljander Phil Making the Phoenix Winter services Known The Voice of Zion 4/2001. The seasoned news reporter for one of the small newspapers was amazed that our church - the Phoenix Laestadian Lutheran Church - was hidden down a small desert dirt road in Cave Creek for so long and that he hadn't known about it. Although many members of the news media had been invited to this first-ever press conference in 23 years to promote the LLC Winter Services, this reporter was the only one who attended.
Simonson Craig and Diane A new congregation in Vancouver, British Colombia The Voice of Zion 6/1992, 16. Organisational meeting held November 22, 1991.
Simonson Joyce Kyläilemässä Toivo Yliojan kodissa Kanadassa PMS 35/28.8.1991. Syntyi uskovaiseen kotiin 22.12.1909 Atlantic Minessa Michiganissa. Isä Jacob Ylioja jätti kaivannot ja osti homesteadin Marcorien läheltä. Myös kaksi muuta uskovaista osti sieltä homesteadin, seuraavan vuonna muu perhe muutti seudulle. Ennen kuin isä asetettiin saarnaajaksi, seuroja oli harvoin. Matti Koski tuli pitämään rippikoulua 1921, ja Tauriainen ja Lamppa myöhemmin. Niinä päivinä tuli epäuskoisia kirkkoon ja useat perheet saivat parannuksen armon. Uskovaisia oli muuttanut alueelle asumaan eri seuduilta, mm. Cokatosta. …Kirkkokunnan eriseura ei vaikuttanut heidän alueellaan. Rippikoulun jälkeen (joka oli ensimmäinen hänen isänsä pitämä), Toivo kielsi uskonsa. Sai parannuksen armon kun oli jo avioitunut Amelia Knuttilan kanssa vuonna 1937.
Simonson Joyce, Swan Evelyn Dunblane Laestadian Congregation history The Voice of Zion 4/1987, 77. In 1924 Jacob Ylioja was appointed speaker and 1927 the congregation was officially organized as the Dunblane Finnish Apostolic Lutheran Church. The first confirmation school was hed about six years before the congregation was officially registered. The Church building was not acquired until 1967. The congregation consisted of thirty paying members, when incorporated, today there are 300 including children.
Simonson Walfred A. Rakastettavan opettajan muisto pysyy Rauhan side 2/2000. ….. Rakas veljemme Walfred lainasi usein apostoli Paavalin sanoja saarnoissaan. Sanat sopivat rakkaaseen opettajaamme ja saarnaajaamme, jolle Jumala antoi monia lahjoja. Rakastettavalla ja helposti lähestyttävällä luonteellaan hän käytti lahjansa kalliin kristillisyyden hyväksi. Hänellä oli täysi usko ja luottamus Ruotsin Lapin äitiseurakunnan vanhimpiin. Tämän uskon ja luottamuksen hän istutti vanhempiinsa, seurakuntaan ja kaikkialle missä saarnasi. Hän uhrasi myös aikaansa monien... Linkki.
Skoog Dale and Laura Rockford (MN) dedication services The Voice of Zion 5/1992, 8. First services were held February 2, 1992 in the Delano Middle School. Membership now totals 59 adults, 11 confirmed children, 104 Sunday school students and 56 pre-Sunday school age children, approximately 230 in all.
Sorvo Paul 100 years of living christianity on Cape Cod The Voice of Zion 6/1993, 6. Among the first believers to arrive at Cape Cod were Iivari and Matilda Peltonen and their son Ivar. They came from Wareham, Massachusetts. In 1915 Ivar married Karin Gustafsson from Boston. Close contacts were kept with the Swedish belivers from Boston. Ivar and Karin Peltonen’s home in West Barnstable became the center for services and lodging for visiting speakers. There were several other families in the congregation including the Flinkman, Poltto, Rosengren and Aittaniemi families. Many of these families departed with the heresy of the 1920’s. Antti Wahtola and Carlo Kumpula served as local speakers and Sunday school teachers. In 1950, the congregation purchased the old temperance hall for $ 700. They extended the building to provide space for a pulpit and altar, as well as more seating.
Sorvo Paul Recollections of Laestadian Christianity in Alaska Sorvo, Paul: Recollections of Laestadian Christianity in Alaska Former Alaska resident, Paul Sorvo, wrote these historical notes and his recollections of Living Christianity in America’s 49 th state. Sorvo and his wife Alice now live in Massachusetts, on Cape Cod.…Many of immigrants were familiar with Laestadian faith but were not believers. Records show names of persons…some of whom received the grace of repentance. They included the Ericksons from Simo, Finland, and the Sorvo brothers, who were from a believing home in Revonlahti. Joseph Sorvo was... Linkki.
Stewart John Seattle Laestadian Congregation history The Voice of Zion 7/1987, 151 – 152 Belivers first came to the Seattle area nearly 40 years ago. This handful of believers acquired their first church in 1951. This Church eas located in Ballard, a predominantly Scandinavian neigborhood within the northwestern part of Seattle. The believers purchased the church for $ 8000. The name at that time was Seattle Apostolic Lutheran Society. The original board of directors was : John Carlson, Reynold Carlson, Oscar Wikman, Arthur Soristo, Karl Hendrickson, Evelyn Waltari and Toivo Waltari….In 1962 the name was changed the Seattle Apostolic Lutheran Congregation. At that time there were approximately 30 to 35 families plis children making the total size about 100 believers. In 1973 only a few families departed to Torola heresy in the Pacific Northwest. By 1975 the size had almost doubled from its size in 1962. The Ballard church was sold to a baptist congregation for $ 22 000. In 1976 the congregation purchased a church for $ 52 000 in the Lake City area of Seattle. The growth continued and the congregation decided in 1981 to look for a new church/or build new one. In July of 1982 the congregation purchased 6 acres of land in the Snohomish area nad began construction of a 12 000 square foot church which would accommodate 500 people for services. In January 1983 construction was completed.
Strand Kevin 1999 Detroit Summer Services Web Site The Voice of Zion 8/1999 Linkki.
Taivalkoski Edgar Statement of ownership management and circulation Greetings of Peace 11/1996 Owner: Apostolic Lutheran Mission. Total paid circulation: 1298; total copies printed 1350; total distribution 1322.
Talonen Jouko In memoriam Uuras Saarnivaara Christian Monthly 6/1998.
The Kuoppala kids from A to Reino A.Kuoppala 60 years The Voice of Zion 10/1997, 13 *12.10.1937 Iron, Minnesota to Alex and Lydia Kuoppala, marriage with Diane Himango, ten children, speaker from 1973.
The Makela Children In Loving memory of Uno Makela The Voice of Zion 1/2000 Uno was born on December 30, 1912 to Charles and Marianna (Liupakka) Makela… He was born on the family farm in Red Eye Township, Sebeka, Minn… Throughout his childhood he attended Christian services with his parents, but after confirmation he denied faith. He held various jobs in the Sebeka-Menagha area until he joined his brother Nestor in his cattle hauling business in Floodwood, Minn. He was called into the service in the of the United States Navy in 1943….after the war he returned to Floodwood….on September 23, 1950, Uno and Maxine Autio were married by Rev. William Alajoki at the Alajoki farm in rural Menagha…In 1964, God directed them to the Esko, Minn. Believers and to services…Lauri Hakso and Elmer Alajoki were the speakers. They were granterd the grace of repentance….The Esko congregation called Uno to serve as their local speaker in 1975…They moved to Menagha in 1981, where he was also asked to serve…served as caretaker at Stony Lake Camp…retired in 1991…0n June 12,1994 suffered a massive stroke…passed away on December 28, 1998.
Tikkanen Elisa Yksi Titanicin tarina on kertomatta HS NYT-liite huhtikuu 1998 Kertoo William Lahtisen toiminnasta aluksella.
Uncle John An item by uncle John The Voice of Zion 9/1976, 133 – 134 Raymond Arthur Niskanen received grace of repentance from unbelief twenty nine years ago…servant in the Lord’s vineyard…was born in Detroit 23.1.1924, passed away in Waukegan, Illinois, May 12, 1976. Had seven sons and three daughters…
Vinnurva Pentti Elmer Alajoki: Jumala on ihmeellisesti siunannut työnsä Amerikassa PMS 30/27.7.1994 Elmer Alajoki asetettiin 1951 puhujaksi ja 1962 täysiaikaiseksi papiksi, kuului Lähetystoimen johtokuntaan (Apostolic Lutheran Mission) ennen vuoden 1973 hajaannusta. AALC:n kuuluu nykyään 28 seurakuntaa ja noin 2000 jäsentä sekä sama määrä lapsia lisää. Kristillisyydessämme on 70-luvulta lähtien ollut voimakas kasvukausi. Nyt AALC:ssä 58 sananpalvelijaa.
Waaraniemi Paul LLC Minneapolis Summer services Reach Local and Global Audience The Voice of Zion 8/2000. …For the first time, distant listeners could hear live sermons and singing from the services via the internet and the Minneapolis congregation’s Web site, www.mllchurch.org …Guests at the services were from at least six different countries; USA, Canada, Finland, Sweden, Ecuador and England… Linkki.
Waaraniemi Paul Winter services Guests hear that grace is for all People. LLC Phoenix Winter Services February 24-27 The Voice of Zion 4/2000 Guests at the Laestadian Lutheran Church’s Phoenix Winter Services heard of the gospel’s international spread in several ways. Sermon messages, a mission work presentation on services in Ecuador, a slide show and presentation on Christianity in Russia….Visiting and local pastors served the lord’s Holy Supper to over 500 communicants….Sergei Chernyshkov from Samara, Russia told about his homegongregation…Svetlana Zavalrovsky translated…
Wilde Amy Cokato Apostolic Lutherans complete new building Dassel Cokato Enterprise Dispatch 10.1.2000 The Cokato Apostolic Lutheran congregation has moved into its new facility, northeast of Dassel. The congregation met for many years in a 275-seat sanctuary on Wright County Road 100, north of Cokato. With 370 paid adult members and 280 children, however, the old church was crowded. The congregation could not all assemble together, and it was often difficult to conduct wedding and funeral services. Linkki.
Wuollet Ben Arizona Welcomes the Kontkanens to Their New Home Congregation The Voice of Zion 4/2001 The Arizona congregations of Phoenix and Prescott Valley have warmly received the Matti Kontkanen family to their new home area. Effective October 15, 2000 Matti has assumed the new position of full-time pastor serving both Phoenix and the Prescott Valley congregations. Prior to coming to Arizona. Linkki.
Wuollet Dan Elmer Alajoki remembers early days of the AALC The Voice of Zion 4/2000.
Wuollet Dan The Believer and Attitudes at about Race The Voice of Zion 4/2001 What is my attitude toward people of other races?" For many believers this question has been left as a rather academic issue. However, recent developments in God's kingdom, the spread of living faith into South America and Africa, have brought this question more directly to the forefront. It is a question that deserves our thoughtful, prayerful attention. God's Word contains instruction to distinguish between groups of people, but only on the basis of whether or not one is in living faith. For example, Apostle Paul writes to the Corinthians "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what". Linkki.
Wuollet Jim, Waaraniemi Paul LLC plans exhibit on North American Laestadianism The Voice of Zion 5/1999 An LLC-appointed committee is planning a museum-style exhibit to portray the nearly 140-year history of Conservative Laestadian Christianity in America. The exhibit will run concurrently with the LLC Summer services in Minneapolis.
Wuollet Marilee Jacob and Kaleb Wuollet served God’s children in America The Voice of Zion 12/1998, 11.
Ylioja Elaine "I Felt Truly Alone" The voice of Zion 4/2000. "When the last of ythe belivers moved away, I knew I was truly alone". This thought by Alice Godwin was of her situation when the last beliving family left the New Finland area of south-eastern Saskatchewan….Alice was born in 1914, the second of eight children and the first daughter of Emil and Hella Laakso. The family farmed in the Tantallon district of Saskatchewan. Alice’s parents came into the living faith around 1918 when there was a great awakening in the area….she does remember services in homes two or three times a year when a visiting minister came – one minister was Matti Koski … Alice gave up her faith as a young adult, married, had two children, a son and a daughter. She and her husband farmed until his daeth in 1953. Alice remarried and continued farming with her second husband. They retired to Esterhazy, Sask. In 1984….In 1980, Alice was called back to God’s kingdom, she repented. Lived in Esterhazy until 1997, then moved to Outlook….
Ylioja Natalie Young Visit Lethbridge, Alberta for Services, Fellowship The Voice of Zion 5/2001. On the weekend of February 2 – 4, about 65 young people from Saskatchewan and Minnesota traveled to Lethbridge, Alberta for weekend of services, fellowship, fun, and activity... ...”Haps” were held at Marty Simonson’s in Coaldale, a town 13 km east of Lethbridge...Dean Simonson ket the service speaking from 1 John 1:5-10...Jeff Haapala, his wife Janelle, and their family moved to Lethbridge last year. He felt it was uplifting to see that so many young believers make a trip to their small congregation....
Anchor Industries. Fitzwilliam. New Hampshire. The Keene Sentinel 26.2.1994. The area was attractive for its large congregation of Apostolic Lutherans (the older Niemela (firm's founder Ralph Niemela) is a minister with Apostolic Lutheran Church in Winchendon)
Zion Lutheran Church (Apostolic lutheran) Hancock. Michigan.
Päivitetty 04.02.2007 04:15
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